There are two broad categories of entry bonds, Single Transaction Bonds (STB) & Continuous Bonds (CB). STBs are normally used by entities who import infrequently. CBs are normally used by those with more frequent transactions.
For most commodities, STBs are normally required in an amount equal to the entered value of the goods plus the estimated duties & taxes thereon. For goods subject to “other agency” approval (e.g., FDA, EPA, CPSC) or quota/visa restrictions, STBs are normally required in an amount equal to three times the entered value.
CBs are normally required in an amount approximating 10% of duties/taxes accruing on goods imported during the previous calendar year, subject to a $50,000 minimum bond amount. When annual duties are under $1,000,000. CBs are required in multiples of $10,000. When annual duties are $1,000,000 or more, CBs are required in multiples of $100,000. CBs for importers of textiles are generally based on 2% of annual entered value, subject to the $50,000 minimum.
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