Email Address cathythrasher@fcllogistics.com
Profile Cathy Thrasher is the Sales Account Executive for FCL Logistics for both the C.B.P. Centralized Examination Site and the Public Warehouse locations. Her responsibilities include keeping the FCL Logistics’ client relationships at a high standard, developing sales and marketing strategies, and a continued understanding of the industry and its future. In previous career positions, Cathy was a Logistic Coordinator for two years before holding various positions within West Marine Products for fifteen years ending with Loyalty Marketing Manager. Her main responsibilities consisted of the continued development, operational, and marketing of the multi-tiered loyalty programs, boat insurance, on-the-water and on-the-road towing services, three level discount programs and a co-branded credit card with a wide range of marketing tools, promotional materials, system enhancements and effective relationships with all internal and external customers. Cathy interfaces daily with customs brokers, logistics teams, and government agencies, such as C.B.P., FDA, USDA, and FWS plus all supporting industries with a friendly and professional manner as well as optimizing growth and knowledge within the logistic industry. She is a supporting participant with FTA, LACBFFA, WIT-LA, WIT-OC, Seafarer’s Center, and other organizations in Carson and Long Beach communities, including a personal passion of dog fostering/rescuing with four Southern California animal rescues. Cathy has been on the FTA’s Executive Board of Directors for the past five years and is the current 2023 Vice President.
Company Logo
Company Name FCL Logistics Ltd
Company Link http://www.fcllogistics.com
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